Macropod by Setonix Synth - Variable Bandwidth VCF

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The SetonixSynth Macropod is a space-friendly and highly functional Variable Bandwidth VCF based around the AS3350 dual filter IC. Along with extensive control of this somewhat rare filter topology, the Macropod comes heavy with several features previously excluded from the two best-known filters of this type (the Serge VCF2 and Buchla 291):

Resonance control, onboard Notch output, and a “squared-off” distorted output.

Truly, the Macropod can sit alongside these legendary filters and not just replicate the functionality, but exceed it!


  • Knob and CV control for Central Frequency, Bandwidth and Resonance

  • Separate 1V/Oct frequency inputs for each filter stage

  • Two audio inputs

  • Six filter outputs: HP, 2x BP, Variable Notch (Band Reject), Variable Bandwidth, Distorted Variable Bandwidth

Size: 10hp

Manual: here

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The SetonixSynth Macropod is a space-friendly and highly functional Variable Bandwidth VCF based around the AS3350 dual filter IC. Along with extensive control of this somewhat rare filter topology, the Macropod comes heavy with several features previously excluded from the two best-known filters of this type (the Serge VCF2 and Buchla 291):

Resonance control, onboard Notch output, and a “squared-off” distorted output.

Truly, the Macropod can sit alongside these legendary filters and not just replicate the functionality, but exceed it!


  • Knob and CV control for Central Frequency, Bandwidth and Resonance

  • Separate 1V/Oct frequency inputs for each filter stage

  • Two audio inputs

  • Six filter outputs: HP, 2x BP, Variable Notch (Band Reject), Variable Bandwidth, Distorted Variable Bandwidth

Size: 10hp

Manual: here

The SetonixSynth Macropod is a space-friendly and highly functional Variable Bandwidth VCF based around the AS3350 dual filter IC. Along with extensive control of this somewhat rare filter topology, the Macropod comes heavy with several features previously excluded from the two best-known filters of this type (the Serge VCF2 and Buchla 291):

Resonance control, onboard Notch output, and a “squared-off” distorted output.

Truly, the Macropod can sit alongside these legendary filters and not just replicate the functionality, but exceed it!


  • Knob and CV control for Central Frequency, Bandwidth and Resonance

  • Separate 1V/Oct frequency inputs for each filter stage

  • Two audio inputs

  • Six filter outputs: HP, 2x BP, Variable Notch (Band Reject), Variable Bandwidth, Distorted Variable Bandwidth

Size: 10hp

Manual: here

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